Pokémon Johto League Champions
From the sprawling metropolis of Goldenrod City to the icy peak of Snowtop Mountain, the Johto region presents Ash, Misty, and Brock with exciting new adventures—along with a few familiar faces like their old friends Todd, Duplica, and Suzie! Johto’s rich past means plenty of Pokémon mysteries for our heroes to solve, and its exciting present means some tough challenges—Ash tackles three more Gyms, while handling competitions like the Pokémon Sumo Conference along the way.
About Pokémon Johto League Champions
- Season Number
- 4
- Air Date
- 2000-08-03
- Number of episodes
- 52
Johto League Champions Episode List
A Goldenrod Opportunity
Episode: 1
A Dairy Tale Ending
Episode: 2
The Bug Stops Here
Episode: 4
Hassle in the Castle
Episode: 8
Two Hits and a Miss
Episode: 9
A Hot Water Battle
Episode: 10
Hook, Line, and Stinker
Episode: 11
Beauty and the Breeder
Episode: 12
A Better Pill to Swallow
Episode: 13
Mountain Time
Episode: 15
Episode: 16
Imitation Confrontation
Episode: 17
The Trouble with Snubbull
Episode: 18
Ariados, Amigos
Episode: 19
Wings 'N' Things
Episode: 20
The Grass Route
Episode: 21
The Apple Corp!
Episode: 22
Houndoom's Special Delivery
Episode: 23
A Ghost of a Chance
Episode: 24
From Ghost to Ghost
Episode: 25
Trouble's Brewing
Episode: 26
All That Glitters!
Episode: 27
The Light Fantastic
Episode: 28
Moving Pictures
Episode: 30
The Stolen Stones!
Episode: 33
The Dunsparce Deception
Episode: 34
The Wayward Wobbuffet
Episode: 35
The Poké Spokesman
Episode: 38
Control Freak!
Episode: 39
The Art of Pokémon
Episode: 40
The Heartbreak of Brock
Episode: 41
Current Events
Episode: 42
Turning Over a New Bayleef
Episode: 43
Doin' What Comes Natu-rally
Episode: 44
The Big Balloon Blow-Up
Episode: 45
The Screen Actor's Guilt
Episode: 46
Right On, Rhydon!
Episode: 47
The Kecleon Caper
Episode: 48
The Joy of Water Pokémon
Episode: 49
Fight for the Light!
Episode: 51
Machoke, Machoke Man!
Episode: 52
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