One Piece Water Seven

The Straw Hats arrive at the oceanic metropolis of Water 7 to find a shipwright who can repair the Going Merry, as well as potentially join their crew. They soon become targeted by the Franky Family, the city's underground gang, and become involved in a plot within the Galley-La Company. Between the disappearance of Robin and a schism that develops between Luffy and Usopp, the crew begins to fall apart.

About One Piece Water Seven

Season Number
Air Date
Number of episodes

Water Seven Episode List

The Dashing Sea Train and the City of Water: Water Seven!

Episode: 229

Adventure in the City On the Water! Head to the Mammoth Shipbuilding Plant!

Episode: 230

The Franky Family and Iceberg!

Episode: 231

Galley-La Company! A Grand Sight: Dock #1!

Episode: 232

Pirate Abduction Incident! A Pirate Ship That Can Only Await Her End!

Episode: 233

Rescuing Our Friend! Raid on the Franky House!

Episode: 234

Big Fight under the Moon! The Pirate Flag Flutters with Sorrow!

Episode: 235

Luffy vs. Usopp! Collision of Two Men's Pride!

Episode: 236

Severe Shock Hits the City of Water! Iceberg Targeted!

Episode: 237

Gum-Gum Human Vs. Fire-Breathing Cyborg!

Episode: 238

The Straw Hat Pirates are the Culprits? The Protectors of the City of Water!

Episode: 239

Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, the Woman Who Draws Darkness!

Episode: 240

Capture Robin! The Determination of the Straw Hats!

Episode: 241

Cannon Fire Is the Signal! CP9 Goes Into Action!

Episode: 242

CP9 Takes Off Their Masks! Their Shocking True Faces!

Episode: 243

Secret Bond! Iceberg and Franky!

Episode: 244

Come Back, Robin! Showdown with CP9!

Episode: 245

The Straw Hat Pirates Annihilated? The Menace of the Leopard Model!

Episode: 246

The Man Who Is Loved Even by His Ship! Usopp's Tears!

Episode: 247

Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train First Ran!

Episode: 248

Spandam's Scheme! The Day the Sea Train Shook!

Episode: 249

The End of the Legendary Man! The Day the Sea Train Cried!

Episode: 250

The Truth Behind Her Betrayal! Robin’s Sorrowful Decision!

Episode: 251

The Steam Whistle Forces Friends Apart! The Sea Train Starts to Run!

Episode: 252

Sanji Barges In! Sea Train Battle in the Storm!

Episode: 253

Nami's Soul Cries Out! Straw Hat Luffy Makes a Comeback!

Episode: 254

Another Sea Train? Rocketman Charges Forth!

Episode: 255

Rescue Our Friends! A Bond Among Foes Sworn with Fists!

Episode: 256

Smash the Wave! Luffy and Zoro Use the Strongest Combo!

Episode: 257

A Mysterious Man Appears?! His Name Is Sogeking!

Episode: 258

Showdown Between Cooks! Sanji vs. Ramen Kenpo

Episode: 259

Rooftop Duel! Franky vs. Nero

Episode: 260

Clash! Demon-Slasher Zoro vs. Ship-Slasher T-Bone!

Episode: 261

Scramble over Robin! A Cunning Plan by Sogeking!!

Episode: 262

The Judicial Island! Full View of Enies Lobby!

Episode: 263

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