One Piece Water Seven
The Straw Hats arrive at the oceanic metropolis of Water 7 to find a shipwright who can repair the Going Merry, as well as potentially join their crew. They soon become targeted by the Franky Family, the city's underground gang, and become involved in a plot within the Galley-La Company. Between the disappearance of Robin and a schism that develops between Luffy and Usopp, the crew begins to fall apart.
About One Piece Water Seven
- Season Number
- 8
- Air Date
- Number of episodes
- 35
Water Seven Episode List
The Dashing Sea Train and the City of Water: Water Seven!
Episode: 229
Adventure in the City On the Water! Head to the Mammoth Shipbuilding Plant!
Episode: 230
The Franky Family and Iceberg!
Episode: 231
Galley-La Company! A Grand Sight: Dock #1!
Episode: 232
Pirate Abduction Incident! A Pirate Ship That Can Only Await Her End!
Episode: 233
Rescuing Our Friend! Raid on the Franky House!
Episode: 234
Big Fight under the Moon! The Pirate Flag Flutters with Sorrow!
Episode: 235
Luffy vs. Usopp! Collision of Two Men's Pride!
Episode: 236
Severe Shock Hits the City of Water! Iceberg Targeted!
Episode: 237
Gum-Gum Human Vs. Fire-Breathing Cyborg!
Episode: 238
The Straw Hat Pirates are the Culprits? The Protectors of the City of Water!
Episode: 239
Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, the Woman Who Draws Darkness!
Episode: 240
Capture Robin! The Determination of the Straw Hats!
Episode: 241
Cannon Fire Is the Signal! CP9 Goes Into Action!
Episode: 242
CP9 Takes Off Their Masks! Their Shocking True Faces!
Episode: 243
Secret Bond! Iceberg and Franky!
Episode: 244
Come Back, Robin! Showdown with CP9!
Episode: 245
The Straw Hat Pirates Annihilated? The Menace of the Leopard Model!
Episode: 246
The Man Who Is Loved Even by His Ship! Usopp's Tears!
Episode: 247
Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train First Ran!
Episode: 248
Spandam's Scheme! The Day the Sea Train Shook!
Episode: 249
The End of the Legendary Man! The Day the Sea Train Cried!
Episode: 250
The Truth Behind Her Betrayal! Robin’s Sorrowful Decision!
Episode: 251
The Steam Whistle Forces Friends Apart! The Sea Train Starts to Run!
Episode: 252
Sanji Barges In! Sea Train Battle in the Storm!
Episode: 253
Nami's Soul Cries Out! Straw Hat Luffy Makes a Comeback!
Episode: 254
Another Sea Train? Rocketman Charges Forth!
Episode: 255
Rescue Our Friends! A Bond Among Foes Sworn with Fists!
Episode: 256
Smash the Wave! Luffy and Zoro Use the Strongest Combo!
Episode: 257
A Mysterious Man Appears?! His Name Is Sogeking!
Episode: 258
Showdown Between Cooks! Sanji vs. Ramen Kenpo
Episode: 259
Rooftop Duel! Franky vs. Nero
Episode: 260
Clash! Demon-Slasher Zoro vs. Ship-Slasher T-Bone!
Episode: 261
Scramble over Robin! A Cunning Plan by Sogeking!!
Episode: 262
The Judicial Island! Full View of Enies Lobby!
Episode: 263
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