The Beekeeper

One man’s campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as Beekeepers.

About The Beekeeper

Status Production
Expose the corruption. Protect the hive.
Release Date
105 minutes
Original Language

Actor and characters in The Beekeeper

Jason Statham
Adam Clay
Emmy Raver-Lampman
Agent Verona Parker
Bobby Naderi
Agent Matt Wiley
Josh Hutcherson
Derek Danforth
Jeremy Irons
Wallace Westwyld
Taylor James
Phylicia Rashād
Eloise Parker
Jemma Redgrave
President Jessica Danforth
Minnie Driver
Director Janet Hayworth
Sophia Feliciano
Kelly Krane
Enzo Cilenti
Rico Anzalone
Dan Li
Agent Kim
Reza Diako
Adam Basil
David Witts
Mickey Garnett
Michael Epp
Don Gilet
Deputy Director Prigg
Megan Le
Georgia Goodman
Detective Marquez
Derek Siow
Detective Chen
Jay Rincon
AIC Bojorquez
Kojo Attah
Second-in-Charge Harris
Joe Urquhart
Peter Brooke
Martin Gordon
Rebecca Hazlewood
Arian Nik
Scammer 1 - Tommy
Millen Brown
Scammer 2 - Paulie
Jonathan Cohen
Lazarus Mercenary 2
Harry Fitzgerald
Sleazy Call Rep
Pedro Minas
Call Rep
Sunny Dhillon
Rocci Williams
Boston SWAT
Kevin Golding
Boston SAC
Víctor Pérez
Police Diver
Baba Oyejide
Detective Lewis
Bharat Mistri
Elderly Man
Olivia Mardon
Elegant Woman
Valentina Novakovic
Kojo Quainoo
Jessica Maria Gilhooley
Phil Hodges
Springfield Police Officer (uncredited)
God's Grace Video Library

Intro The Beekeeper or The Beekeeper, Released on 2024-01-10, is a highly anticipated and recommended film. Featuring a star-studded cast including Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi, Josh Hutcherson, Jeremy Irons, Taylor James, Phylicia Rashād, Jemma Redgrave, Minnie Driver, Sophia Feliciano, Enzo Cilenti, Dan Li, Reza Diako, Adam Basil, David Witts, Michael Epp, Don Gilet, Megan Le, Georgia Goodman, Derek Siow, Jay Rincon, Kojo Attah, Joe Urquhart, Peter Brooke, Martin Gordon, Rebecca Hazlewood, Arian Nik, Millen Brown, Jonathan Cohen, Harry Fitzgerald, Pedro Minas, Sunny Dhillon, Rocci Williams, Kevin Golding, Víctor Pérez, Baba Oyejide, Bharat Mistri, Olivia Mardon, Valentina Novakovic, Kojo Quainoo, Jessica Maria Gilhooley, Phil Hodges, God's Grace Video Library, this Drama,Action,Thriller movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey through "Expose the corruption. Protect the hive.".
Plot and overview Set against the backdrop of Expose the corruption. Protect the hive.,The Beekeeper follow the story One man’s campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as Beekeepers.
The Beekeeper will keeps audiences on the edge of their seats all the time.
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