Society of the Snow

On October 13, 1972, Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, chartered to take a rugby team to Chile, crashes into a glacier in the heart of the Andes.

About Society of the Snow

Status Production
Based on a remarkable true story.
Release Date
144 minutes
Original Language

Actor and characters in Society of the Snow

Enzo Vogrincic
Numa Turcatti
Agustín Pardella
Fernando 'Nando' Parrado
Matías Recalt
Roberto Canessa
Tomas Wolf
Gustavo Zerbino
Diego Vegezzi
Marcelo Pérez del Castillo
Esteban Kukuriczka
Adolfo 'Fito' Strauch
Francisco Romero
Daniel Fernández Strauch
Rafael Federman
Eduardo Strauch Urioste
Felipe González Otaño
Carlitos Páez
Agustín Della Corte
Antonio 'Tintin' Vizintín
Valentino Alonso
Alfredo 'Pancho' Delgado
Simon Hempe
José Luis 'Coche' Inciarte
Fernando Contigiani García
Arturo Nogueira
Benjamín Segura
Rafael 'Vasco' Echevarren
Luciano Chatton
Pedro Algorta
Agustín Berruti
Bobby François
Juan Caruso
Álvaro Mangino
Rocco Posca
Ramon 'Moncho' Sabella
Andy Pruss
Roy Harley
Esteban Bigliardi
Javier Methol
Paula Baldini
Liliana Methol
Blas Polidori
Gustavo 'Coco' Nicolich
Felipe Ramusio Mora
Diego Storm
Santiago Vaca Narvaja
Daniel Maspons
Emanuel Parga
Carlos Roque
Federico Aznárez
Enrique Platero
Alfonsina Carrocio
Susy Parrado
Gastón Costemalle
Juandi Eirea Young
Juan Carlos Menéndez
Jerónimo Bosia
Francisco 'Pancho' Abal
Giselle Douaret
Eugenia Dolgay de Parrado
Agustín Lain
Carlos Valeta
Julian Bedino
Guido Magri
Lautaro Bakir
Julio Martínez Lamas
Tea Alberti
Graziela Gumila de Mariani
Francisco Bereny
Felipe Maquirriain
Toto Rovito
Alexis Hounie
Lucas Mascarena
Fernando Vázquez
Maximiliano de la Cruz
Dante Lagurara
Juan José Marco
Ovidio Ramírez
Mariano Rochman
Ramón Martínez
Esteban Pico
Julio Ferradás
Pablo Tate
Dr. Francisco Nicola
Virgínia Kauffmann
Esther Horta de Nicola
Francisco Burghi
Alfredo Cibils
Daniel Patricio Antivilio Acuña
Major Massa
Ezequiel Fadel Hinojosa
Sergió Catalán
Gustavo F. Sasco
Facundo Roure
Church Friend
Carlos Miguel Páez Rodríguez
Carlos Páez Vilaró
Emanuel Sobré
S.A.R. Radio Operator
Roberto Suárez
Seler Parrado
Constanza del Sol Giraudo
Graciela Parrado
Federico Formento
Daniel Shaw
Gustavo Zerbino Stajano
Rugby Coach
Ramón Mario Sabella Barreiro
Airport Passenger

Intro La sociedad de la nieve or Society of the Snow, Released on 2023-12-13, is a highly anticipated and recommended film. Featuring a star-studded cast including Enzo Vogrincic, Agustín Pardella, Matías Recalt, Tomas Wolf, Diego Vegezzi, Esteban Kukuriczka, Francisco Romero, Rafael Federman, Felipe González Otaño, Agustín Della Corte, Valentino Alonso, Simon Hempe, Fernando Contigiani García, Benjamín Segura, Luciano Chatton, Agustín Berruti, Juan Caruso, Rocco Posca, Andy Pruss, Esteban Bigliardi, Paula Baldini, Blas Polidori, Felipe Ramusio Mora, Santiago Vaca Narvaja, Emanuel Parga, Federico Aznárez, Alfonsina Carrocio, Louta, Juandi Eirea Young, Jerónimo Bosia, Giselle Douaret, Agustín Lain, Julian Bedino, Lautaro Bakir, Tea Alberti, Francisco Bereny, Toto Rovito, Lucas Mascarena, Maximiliano de la Cruz, Juan José Marco, Mariano Rochman, Esteban Pico, Pablo Tate, Virgínia Kauffmann, Francisco Burghi, Daniel Patricio Antivilio Acuña, Ezequiel Fadel Hinojosa, Gustavo F. Sasco, Facundo Roure, Carlos Miguel Páez Rodríguez, Emanuel Sobré, Roberto Suárez, Constanza del Sol Giraudo, Federico Formento, Gustavo Zerbino Stajano, Ramón Mario Sabella Barreiro, this Drama,History movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey through "Based on a remarkable true story.".
Plot and overview Set against the backdrop of Based on a remarkable true story.,Society of the Snow follow the story On October 13, 1972, Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, chartered to take a rugby team to Chile, crashes into a glacier in the heart of the Andes.
La sociedad de la nieve will keeps audiences on the edge of their seats all the time.
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