Next Goal Wins

Dutch coach Thomas Rongen attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners.

About Next Goal Wins

Status Production
Be happy.
Release Date
104 minutes
Original Language

Actor and characters in Next Goal Wins

Michael Fassbender
Thomas Rongen
Oscar Kightley
Jaiyah Saelua
David Fane
Rachel House
Beulah Koale
Taika Waititi
American Samoan Priest
Will Arnett
Alex Magnussen
Elisabeth Moss
Uli Latukefu
Nicky Salapu
Sisa Grey
Convenient Store Cashier
Semu Filipo
Chris Alosio
Lehi Makisi Falepapalangi
Ioane Goodhue
Hio Pelesasa
Wil Kahele
'Who's on the Plane' Reporter
Rhys Darby
Rhys Marlin
Luke Hemsworth
Angus Sampson
Angus Bendleton
Kaitlyn Dever
Nicole (voice)
Levy Tuiala
Chief Sila
James Burghardt
Tongan Player #1
Patrick Mullen
Tongan Player #2
Jonathan J.I. Knox
Game Referee
Loretta Ables Sayre
Rambo's Mom
Don Nahaku
Tongan Coach
Lori Pelenise Tuisano
American Samoan Woman #1
Tulalagalaga Tatalo Wily
American Samoan Woman #2
Armani Makaiwa
William Chun
Store Local
Roland Tupola
Tongan Player #3
David Tu'itupou
Tall David
Martin Tyler
Russell Satele
Russell Satele

Intro Next Goal Wins or Next Goal Wins, Released on 2023-11-16, is a highly anticipated and recommended film. Featuring a star-studded cast including Michael Fassbender, Oscar Kightley, Kaimana, David Fane, Rachel House, Beulah Koale, Taika Waititi, Will Arnett, Elisabeth Moss, Uli Latukefu, Sisa Grey, Semu Filipo, Chris Alosio, Lehi Makisi Falepapalangi, Ioane Goodhue, Hio Pelesasa, Wil Kahele, Rhys Darby, Luke Hemsworth, Angus Sampson, Kaitlyn Dever, Levy Tuiala, James Burghardt, Patrick Mullen, Jonathan J.I. Knox, Loretta Ables Sayre, Don Nahaku, Lori Pelenise Tuisano, Tulalagalaga Tatalo Wily, Armani Makaiwa, William Chun, Roland Tupola, David Tu'itupou, Martin Tyler, Russell Satele, this Drama,Comedy movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey through "Be happy.".
Plot and overview Set against the backdrop of Be happy.,Next Goal Wins follow the story Dutch coach Thomas Rongen attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners.
Next Goal Wins will keeps audiences on the edge of their seats all the time.
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