Irish Wish

When the love of her life gets engaged to her best friend, Maddie puts her feelings aside to be a bridesmaid at their wedding in Ireland. Until a spontaneous wish for true love causes her to wake up as the bride-to-be.

About Irish Wish

Status Production
Be careful who you wish for.
Release Date
94 minutes
Original Language

Actor and characters in Irish Wish

Lindsay Lohan
Maddie Kelly
Ed Speleers
James Thomas
Alexander Vlahos
Paul Kennedy
Ayesha Curry
Elizabeth Tan
Emma Taylor
Jacinta Mulcahy
Olivia Kennedy
Jane Seymour
Rosemary Kelly
Matty McCabe
Kory Kennedy
Dawn Bradfield
Saint Brigid
Maurice Byrne
Sean Kennedy
James Rottger
Tom O'Callaghan
Aidan Jordan
Father Callahan
Dakota Lohan
Tim Landers
Steve Hartland
Carl Shaaban
Rodrigo Ternevoy
Book Clerk
Vincent Moran
Bus Driver
Ella Cannon
Airline Staff

Intro Irish Wish or Irish Wish, Released on 2024-03-15, is a highly anticipated and recommended film. Featuring a star-studded cast including Lindsay Lohan, Ed Speleers, Alexander Vlahos, Ayesha Curry, Elizabeth Tan, Jacinta Mulcahy, Jane Seymour, Matty McCabe, Dawn Bradfield, Maurice Byrne, James Rottger, Aidan Jordan, Dakota Lohan, Tim Landers, Steve Hartland, Carl Shaaban, Rodrigo Ternevoy, Vincent Moran, Ella Cannon, this Comedy,Romance movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey through "Be careful who you wish for.".
Plot and overview Set against the backdrop of Be careful who you wish for.,Irish Wish follow the story When the love of her life gets engaged to her best friend, Maddie puts her feelings aside to be a bridesmaid at their wedding in Ireland. Until a spontaneous wish for true love causes her to wake up as the bride-to-be.
Irish Wish will keeps audiences on the edge of their seats all the time.
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