
An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.

About Freelance

Status Production
Retirement didn't suit him.
Release Date
108 minutes
Original Language

Actor and characters in Freelance

John Cena
Mason Pettits
Alison Brie
Claire Wellington
Juan Pablo Raba
President Juan Venegas
Alice Eve
Jenny Pettits
Marton Csokas
Colonel Jan Koehorst
Christian Slater
Sebastian Earle
Julianne Arrieta
Avery Alderson
Molly McCann
Casey Pettits
Daniel Toro
Sebastián Eslava
Roberto Cano
Eduardo Lavato

Intro Freelance or Freelance, Released on 2023-10-05, is a highly anticipated and recommended film. Featuring a star-studded cast including John Cena, Alison Brie, Juan Pablo Raba, Alice Eve, Marton Csokas, Christian Slater, Julianne Arrieta, Molly McCann, Daniel Toro, Sebastián Eslava, Roberto Cano, this Action,Comedy movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey through "Retirement didn't suit him.".
Plot and overview Set against the backdrop of Retirement didn't suit him.,Freelance follow the story An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.
Freelance will keeps audiences on the edge of their seats all the time.
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