Bâtiment 5

A local activist and a budding young mayor clash over the best path forward for their impoverished suburb.

About Bâtiment 5

Status Production
Release Date
101 minutes
Original Language

Actor and characters in Bâtiment 5

Anta Diaw
Haby Keita
Alexis Manenti
Pierre Forges
Jeanne Balibar
Agnès Millas
Steve Tientcheu
Roger Roche
Valentin Pradier
Aristote Luyindula
Aurélia Petit
Nathalie Forges
Judy Al Rashi
Mohamam Al Rashi
Djeneba Diallo
Gladys Chauvellier
Madame Fatou
Nizar Ben Fatma
Karim Larbi
Olivier Pierre Richard
Préfet Bizot
Stefan Godin
Commandant CRS
Carima Amarouche
Capitaine de police
Madeleine Baudot
Secrétaire mairie
François Pérache
Maître Pelletier
Eladj Ly
Haby Ly
Petite soeur Haby
Corinne Valancogne
Bangali Konate
Manon Arizmendi
Jeanne Forges
Nathan Haggege
Antoine Forges

Intro Bâtiment 5 or Bâtiment 5, Released on 2023-12-06, is a highly anticipated and recommended film. Featuring a star-studded cast including Anta Diaw, Alexis Manenti, Jeanne Balibar, Steve Tientcheu, Valentin Pradier, Aristote Luyindula, Aurélia Petit, Judy Al Rashi, Mohamam Al Rashi, Djeneba Diallo, Gladys Chauvellier, Nizar Ben Fatma, Olivier Pierre Richard, Stefan Godin, Carima Amarouche, Madeleine Baudot, François Pérache, Eladj Ly, Haby Ly, Corinne Valancogne, Bangali Konate, Manon Arizmendi, Nathan Haggege, this Drama movie takes audiences on a thrilling journey through "".
Plot and overview Set against the backdrop of ,Bâtiment 5 follow the story A local activist and a budding young mayor clash over the best path forward for their impoverished suburb.
Bâtiment 5 will keeps audiences on the edge of their seats all the time.
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